About the Journal

The Quarterly on Refugee Problems – AWR Bulletin (QRP) is the official journal of the Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem (AWR) for the dissemination of findings on migration issues. It fosters the global, interdisciplinary discourse between academics and practitioners to provide theoretical and practical answers to questions related to forced or voluntary migration.

QRP proudly looks back to publishing tradition dating back until 1954. Since 2022 the QRP is published as an open access, double-blind peer reviewed online journal in English language and hosted by the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS). The regular due dates for the issues are March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15 of each year. Its predecessor was named “Integration” (1954-1962) and transferred into the “AWR Bulletin - Vierteljahresschrift für Flüchtlingsfragen/Revue triestrielle des problèmes des réfugiés/Quarterly on Refugee Problems/Rivista trimestrale sui problemi die rifugiati” (1963-2003 published by Wilhelm-Braumüller Verlagsbuchhandlung, Vienna; 2004-2012 published by Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin). 2013-2021 its publication was suspended.

QRP is published online and open access and is licensed under the Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)". It fulfills the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) definition of open access and is listed in the respective directory.

ISSN: 2750-7882 (online, since 2022) | 0001-2947 (print, before 2022)


Current Issue

Vol. 63 No. 2 (2024): Quarterly on Refugee Problems - AWR Bulletin (QRP)
The cover of volume 63, issue 2, of the Quarterly on Refugee Problems - AWR Bulletin (QRP)

Issue 2/2024 of the Quarterly on Refugee Problems - AWR Bulletin (QRP) covers a wide range of topics. While Roßkopf introduces to the cornerstones of the newly adopted EU Pact on Migration and Asylum in the News & Notes, his editorial highlights an unfolding shift of the European reform discourse from management to prevention and further extraterritorialisation. Europe is also the scope for a review of the case-law of the CJEU and ECtHR on COVID-19 related emergency measures and their compliance or non-compliance with fundamental human rights by Friedery and Kecskés. Huth-Hildebrandt, Al'Ali and Al-Madi shed light on often neglected 'random camps' analysing educational needs and deprivation of minor Syrian refugee inhabitants in Jordan. Another situation of protracted displacement is covered by Bibi critically investigating repatriation measures taken by Pakistan against Afghan refugees to put a forceful end to it. Finally, Barbo and Jeeroburkhan review studies on programs with an aim to navigate diet and nutrition of newcomer populations from a Canadian perspective.

Published: 06/15/2024
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