“Give me a Chance!”
Developments in Vocational Training for Refugees since the Summer of Migration in the Context of Migration Movements in Germany
Germany, vocational training, integration, labour market access, influx, policyAbstract
This article looks into the background to recent migration movements in Germany. In order to understand the stance of the German government, as well as large parts of civil society, it is important to look at the longer-term historical setting of migration to and from the German-speaking lands. Ethnic-culturally German territories were for a long time areas of emigration. It was only from the 19th century onwards that patterns of large scale immigration began to emerge. Indeed, it was only after the reunification of modern Germany at the end of the 20th century that there was broad political, legislative as well as societal acknowledgment of Germany as a country of immigration.
The article goes on to examine the “summer of migration” in 2015 and the connotations of the high levels of immigration of asylum seekers and refugees – many of whom were young – which that entailed. Against the background of demographic change (Germany as an ageing society) and an increasingly dramatic skills shortage, there is a realisation of the need to enable young refugees to acquire relevant qualifications in order to better access the labour market. Developments in vocational training through the Dual System – in particular in Bavaria in southern Germany – are examined in this context. Shortages of skilled labour in small and medium-sized enterprises have been a key driver in establishing Vocational Training Classes (VTC). These aim to provide asylum-seekers and refugees with valid school certificates as well as a programme of job training orientation. These are the prerequisite to young refugees being able to go on to successfully attain vocational qualifications under the Dual System.
The final part of the article offers a considered assessment of the lessons to be derived from these programmatic developments over the last few years: What further forms of support are required to enhance the social and labour market integration of refugees, and what is the way forward for Germany in developing a sustainable, resources-orientated set of immigration and integration instruments for newly-arrived (forced) migrants in the long term?
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