The Religiosity of Muslim Refugees in Germany
A Resource for Social Work Interventions
Muslim, refugees, religiosity, social work, GermanyAbstract
For the majority of Muslims, faith plays a vital role in their lives. Specific forms of religiosity are significant as a resource, or coping mechanisms, in adverse life situations, which also applies to Muslim refugees fleeing to Germany. However, Germany, as well as German social work – which offers an important point of contact for refugees – are both very secular. This article explores the current role of religiosity of Muslim refugees for social work in Germany – and what role it could, and should, play. Qualitative interviews with nine social workers in Lower Franconia working in refugee settings were conducted. They showed that, for various reasons, the religiosity of Muslim refugees only plays a very minor role in the reality of social work. Still, occasionally it surfaces – especially in difficult life situations of the refugees. More frequently than theological issues, practical or organizational religious topics were addressed. Social workers who brought up spiritual matters on their own initiative were either persons whose own faith was vital to them, or they were aware of the importance of religion to Muslim clients. While the primarily supportive effect of religiosity and spirituality in adverse life situations is undisputed, social workers tend to only address it on their own initiative if faith is of concern for themselves or if they know about its supportive function for their Muslim clients. Thus, social workers should be sensitized, background knowledge provided, social work attitude shaped, and action competencies trained.
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