Gender, Migration, and Education
An Intersectional Analysis of a Labor Market Integration Project for Women with Migration Background
labor market integration, migrant women, program evaluation, labor market integration programs and services, intersectionalityAbstract
Women with a migration background (WMB) are disadvantaged on the German labor market as multiple studies attest (e.g., Ferenschild, 2019; OECD/EU, 2018). Initiatives at regional, state, and federal levels have been commenced in recent years to support WMB’s entry into the labor market, thereby also addressing the shortage of skilled workers in health and social care sectors in Germany. Within an intersectionality framework, this study examines the role of migration background as well as educational/occupational background in furthering or hindering WMB’s chances of attaining educational qualifications and finding employment. Using data from a four-year evaluation of a labor market integration project for WMB, the study aims to answer the following questions: What is the educational and migration background of women in the project and how are both related? Are educational and migration background predictive of project success? Analysis is based on final monitoring data for the 234 women who had entered the project during the data collection period. Descriptive data confirm a highly heterogenous group of women in terms of all sociodemographic characteristics. Bivariate analysis showed statistically significant relationships for and between most migration and educational/occupational variables, pointing to clusters of advantage (e.g., permanent residency, high language level, recognized degree) and disadvantage (e.g., no formal schooling, time-limited stay permits) that are hypothesized to affect entry into the labor market. However, regarding project success – operationalized as case status outcomes and goal attainment outcomes – these variables did not play a statistically significant role, except for ‘degree recognition’ and ‘language skills.’ This suggests that the supportive and individualized approach of the project may equalize factors that would otherwise contribute to disadvantage. It also indicates that factors beyond migration background and educational/occupational background may be more salient for outcome. Explanations for the results are discussed from an intersectionality perspective and implications considered.
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