Disrupting borders
Migration Control Politics, Activism and Social Work
borders, migrants, refugees, activism, social movements, international social workAbstract
The article explores the role of Social Work between the poles of migration control and activism by refugees and migrants. On the one hand, the question is raised how the processes of externalization and internalization of borders by migration politics affect the action framework of Social Work and contribute to a (permanent) exclusion of refugees and migrants, particularly in camps. On the other hand, the question is posed how refugees and migrants express their right(s) to inclusion, participation and freedom of movement in protests and activism, and how they are supported by solidarity movements in countries of refuge and along the migration routes. The organization Social Workers without borders exemplifiea how social workers might become activists of unconditional solidarity and defenders of human rights. The example of Women in Exile shows how refugee women can resist against the border-making in the asylum regime by raising their voices for human rights activism. Hereby, their critical reflection on refugee womens´ experiences with social workers underlines that these often times risk to play an depolitized role in social work practice, not applying the political mandate of social work as a human rights profession. Hereby, the claims of refugee and migrant activists provide knowledge to social workers in applying radical social work practice.
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