Enhancing International Social Work Education to Prepare Social Workers for Crisis, Flight and Social Transformation
Mindful-Based Intercultural Communication & Resilience Training (MBICRT)
social transformation, International Social Work Education, Crisis, Resilience, Culture, Salutogenesis, Expeiernce-based learning, Intercultural, Migration, curricula, experience-based learningAbstract
In today's time of global crises, and the resulting increase in turmoil and migration movements, Social Work needs to expand its methodological repertoire and adapt its working and teaching practices accordingly. This fact has become very palpable in recent discussions with Social Workers from Lebanon and Jordan. This paper is based on the insights gained from conceptualizing and implementing a module called “Mindful-Based Intercultural Communication & Resilience Training” (MBICRT) within a Master program in International Social Work and with Lebanese partners. The module was developed in recognition of the ongoing crisis that Lebanese social workers are facing. This occurred before the ongoing war and has thus increased in relevance now. It was initially set up from a module for Lebanese students at the Modern University of Business and Science (MUBS) and for international students within the Technical University of Applied Science (THWS) in Germany and was later broadened to integrate students from the German Jordanian University (GJU). This paper lays bare the theoretical foundations used for the conceptualization of that module. The module’s effects have been tested with scales afterwards, resulting in insights that will be published at a later stage.
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