“I felt that there is Justice”
Potentials and Limits of Social Work with Syrian Survivors of Atrocity Crimes in Their Fight for Transitional Justice in German National Courts
Syria, atrocity crimes, universal jurisdiction, transitional justice, victim supportAbstract
This critical case study examines the experiences of social work students who engaged in an international joint mobility project, facilitated through collaboration between four universities. The paper focuses on their participation in mobility projects and the integration of research findings in the development of evidence-based practices. The projects focused on the safe transition of female refugees to new lives in the host country of Jordan. The overarching aim of this paper is twofold: first, to assist student social workers in developing and refining a multicultural understanding of the cultural context influencing the lives of refugee women and second, to teach student social workers how to advocate for the needs of refugee women. This paper seeks to provide evidence-based social work practices for those working with refugee women locally and internationally. Data was collected using four methods: questionnaires, semi-structured interviews with humanitarian and social workers, student social worker diaries, and focus group discussions. Findings suggest that engaging in mobility projects enhances intercultural skills, such as cultural competency, sensitivity, self-awareness, and adherence to the principle of "do no harm". Furthermore, students emerged as valuable resources for their colleagues, emphasizing the importance of a foundation of cultural understanding in work done to support female refugees. Culturally competent training practices for social workers, along with better tools to understand patient challenges, improved the quality-of-life focused outcomes for refugee women. Additionally, students concluded that their involvement in mobility projects significantly contributed to their professional growth, underscoring the need to prioritize the development of social work teaching and practice, both nationally and internationally.
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